In contrast to insight-oriented approaches, biological approaches
usually involve (but are not limited to) the use of medications to
deal with mental illness. Some specialists who favor this approach
generally do not also employ insight-oriented approaches at all; others,
however, employ medication together with insight-oriented approaches
to psychotherapy simultaneously. An example of a biological approach
would be if a patient is depressed the therapist may prescribe antidepressant
medication. In some centers, the use of medication is felt to be sufficient
by itself. In other centers, the medication is merely seen as useful
in reducing the intensity of a key symptom, while creating a "window
of opportunity" for learning during which the patient can come
to understand a lot which may reduce the chances of their becomming
depressed again to the same degree. Biological therapists are almost
always M.D.'s who have the training and hence the privilege to prescribe
and monitor medication.